The IAFA Imagining Indigenous Futurisms Award recognizes emerging authors who use science fiction to address issues of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination.

To be considered for the award, submit the following:

  • 200-word statement with background & goals in writing SF
  • 4,000-word maximum writing sample addressing Indigenous perspectives

Deadline: December 1st

Send your materials as attachments to Professor Grace L. Dillon (

  • Use Word Document or PDF format
  • Name and Page numbers on story and bio
  • Double space the story and use 12-point font
  • Proof the work for typos and other errors.

The contest winner will be announced at the ICFA Awards Banquet and on the Imagining Indigenous Futurisms Facebook page at Not a member? Think about joining!

This year’s judge: acclaimed author Andrea Hairston

The Master of Poisons

Other Novels:

Will Do Magic for Small Change and Redwood and Wildfire

Published by Aqueduct Press at


Past Winners of the Imagining Indigenous Futurisms Award

 2023Alina Pete (they/them/theirs) (Little Pine First Nation) "Telling the Soul of Mars"
 2021Gina McGuire (ʻŌiwi, Polish) "Over and Away Again"
 2020Lennixx-Nickolai Treat Bad Moccasin (Dakota and Mnicoujou Lakota, Cheyenne River Sioux) "The Box"
 2019 Julia A. Thompson (Osage-Cherokee-Quapaw) "White Tide"
 2017 Co-winners Weyodi (Comanche) "Red Lessons" and Li Boyd (Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe)  "Everyday Strays"
 2016Co-winners Cleo Keahna (Ojibwe) "Transmission" and Cathy Smith (First Nations) "Liquid Courage"
 2015 Cara Mumford (Metis / Chippewa Cree) "The Whale Danced"
 2014 Zeera Nemo (Bodewadmi) "There Were Three Sisters" 
 2013 Marek Tupy "SE’QUAM LANDING"
 2012 Lucas Rawley (Inupiag/Scottish) "Catch and Release"
 2011 Jeanette Weaskus (Nez Perce Idaho) "Children of the Basalt"
 2010 Isaac Mayo (Wappo) "No Signal"

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