Division Heads and BIPOC Caucus Officers

Organization and refereeing of academic paper sessions at ICFA is under the direction of Division Heads, also appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board. You can find the Executive Board here and the Other IAFA Officials here. Perquisites received by board members, other officers, and division heads are listed here.

Division Heads

Children’s & Young Adult Literature & Art (CYA)

The Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Art division welcomes critical scholarship that focuses on childhood, child characters, and literature aimed at younger readers. This includes picture books as well as middle-grade and young adult novels, short stories, and graphic novels that involve fantasy, horror, paranormal romance, science fiction, and any other aspect of the fantastic.

Division Head: Sarah Canfield
Shenandoah University, Winchester, Virginia, USA

Sarah Canfield is Associate Professor of English at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia. Her research and teaching focus on Victorian literature, science fiction, gender studies, and the connections between literature and science, although she will happily extend this to Tolkien, Star Trek, or the occasional horror podcast. She has taught first-year seminar courses on dystopian fiction as social activism and the cultural influence of Frankenstein. At her first ICFA in 2002, she won the David G. Hartwell Emerging Scholar Award for a paper applying cyborg theory to Frankenstein.

Fairy Tales and Folk Narratives (FTFN)

The Fairy Tales and Folk Narratives division welcomes critical scholarship on all aspects of folk narrative and culture in all media. This includes but is not limited to oral and literary fairy tales, folk tales, wonder tales, legend, and myth, as well as adaptations and interconnections of oral and literary tales with other media.

Division Head: Abigail Heiniger
Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee, USA

Abigail Heiniger, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Literature and Languages and Department Chair. She teaches literature and writing at Lincoln Memorial University. Her research centers on the intersection of gender and race in nineteenth-century literature, particularly in fantastic literature and fairy tales. Her recent books include Jane Eyre’s Fairytale Descendants: Constructions and Deconstructions of National Identity (2016) and Fairy-Tale Revivals in the Long Nineteenth Century, volumes 1 and 2 (2024), which is the first collection of wonder tales that explicitly explores anticolonial and decolonial Anglophone narratives. When she is not exploring library archives, she enjoys kayaking on the Powell River by her house and watching the sunrise over the mountains. She is currently the acting chair of the Modern Language Association Executive Committee for Fairy Tales, Folklore, and Mythology.

Fantasy Literature (FL)

The Fantasy Literature division welcomes critical scholarship on all aspects of fantasy literature (broadly defined to mean anything from genre fantasy to magic realism) including, but not restricted to, criticism on works by fantasy authors writing in English, interdisciplinary approaches to the genre, and scholarship on fantasy theory.

Division Head: Brittani Ivan
Western Sydney University, Australia 

 Brittani Ivan is a PhD candidate at Western Sydney University, AUS. She received an MA with distinction   from Kansas State University and an AB magna cum laude from Bryn Mawr College. She has published   in Mythlore on the fantastic landscapes of Diana Wynne Jones and Garth Nix. Her research interests   include post-colonial theory, mapping, archival studies, book history, adaptation studies, and   anglophone fantasy literature. She has been a member of IAFA since 2017, and has served as a   conference assistant since 2022.

Film and Television (FTV)

The Film and Television division welcomes critical scholarship, panels, and theory roundtables that deal with cinema and television and engage any genre of the Fantastic, including science fiction, fantasy, and horror. As with other narrative forms, the analysis of film and television can be taken up multiple ways and through varied critical lenses.

Division Head: Larrie Dudenhoeffer

Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA


Larrie Dudenhoeffer is a Professor of English at Kennesaw State University in the metro Atlanta area specializing in film and television studies, critical theory, and American studies. He is the author of Embodiment and Horror Cinema (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), Anatomy of the Superhero Film (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), and Walls without Cinema: State Security and Subjective Embodiment in Twenty-First Century U.S. Filmmaking (Bloomsbury, 2019). He is currently completing a "sequel" to his first book on horror cinema.

Gothic and Horror Literature (GaH)

The Gothic and Horror Literature division welcomes critical scholarship focused on the inter-related modes of Gothic literature and horror literature, as well as closely related modes such as the Weird and the Grotesque. Papers may explore any aspect of literary horror or the Gothic, including but not limited to the evolution, cultural significance, and theory of these modalities, as well as specific types and typologies, for example: body horror, psychological horror, and philosophical horror. Papers exploring related topics, such as the role of the supernatural, the sublime, monstrosity, or affects including horror, terror, dread or anxiety, as well as interconnections between Gothic and horror literature and other media, including film, comics and games, are also welcome.

Division Head: Jude Wright
Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska, USA

Jude Wright is an Assistant Professor of English at Peru State College in Peru, Nebraska, where he teaches courses on writing, British literature, Science Fiction, and comic books. His research focuses on the relationship between realism and the fantastic in nineteenth-century British literature, the Gothic, and adaptation theory. He has recently published on Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, adaptations of Frankenstein, J. Sheridan LeFanu, and Walter Pater. His current project is a long-form extension of his work on Frankenstein adaptations, parts of which he has presented at ICFA.

International Fantastic (IF)

The International Fantastic division welcomes scholarship in all subgenres of the fantastic in world media. “International” means either non-anglophone or originating in a culture considered foreign within the anglophone world; this may include minority or Indigenous texts within an anglophone country. Projects in postcolonial and diaspora studies, area and language studies, translation theory and studies, comparative literature and media, non-anglophone epistemologies and technocultures, the role of the international division of labor and global finance in textual development, gender and queer studies especially in the Global South, international justice movements, global research methodologies and national archives, and Indigenous and Trans-Indigenous Studies are welcome.

Division Head: M. Elizabeth (Libby) Ginway
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

M. Elizabeth (Libby) Ginway is Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Studies at the University of Florida. She is the author of Brazilian Science Fiction: Cultural Myths and Nationhood in the Land of the Future (Bucknell UP, 2004). She co-edited a volume of essays, Latin American Science Fiction: Theory and Practice (Palgrave, 2012) with J. Andrew Brown. She has published articles on Brazilian and Spanish-American science fiction in journals such as Extrapolation, Science Fiction Studies, Alambique, Hispania, Luso-Brazilian Review, Modern Language Studies and Revista Iberoamericana. Her second monograph Cyborgs, Sexuality, and the Undead: The Body in Mexican and Brazilian Speculative Fiction was published by Vanderbilt UP in 2020. She has attended ICFA regularly since 2003.

Science Fiction Literature (SF)

The Science Fiction Literature division welcomes critical scholarship on topics related to science fiction novels, short stories, poems, and other forms that can be considered literary as well as those focused on critical theories related to the SF genre. This division’s emphasis is textual as well as theoretical; papers considering science fiction in film, television, or comics are encouraged to apply to the Film and Television division or the Visual & Performing Arts and Audiences division instead.

Division Head: Keren Omry

University of Haifa, Israel


Keren Omry is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Prof.) at the Department of English Language & Literature, at the University of Haifa. Her research and teaching interests include speculative fiction, music and literature, and alternate histories. She is co-editor of the forthcoming Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction, and of Palgrave’s Science Fiction: A New Canon book series.

Visual and Performing Arts and Audiences (VPAA)

The Visual and Performing Arts and Audiences division welcomes critical scholarship and discussions on a transdisciplinary variety of visual media. Among these are comic books, comic strips and graphic novels; graphic arts, including photography, paintings, illustrations, design, and sculpture; architecture and the depiction of architecture in visual media; the performing arts, including music, choreography and (musical) theatre; (video) games and gaming culture; fandom studies in all media and communities; as well as transformative texts such as mashups and viral marketing and audience/reception studies concerning audiences for any medium or genre of the fantastic.

Division Head: Leisa A. Clark

Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FL


Leisa Clark has been attending ICFA since 2007 and has presented papers, joined panel sessions, and worked volunteer at the Registration Desk for many years.

Leisa has an undergraduate degree in Anthropology, as well as graduate degrees in Women's and Gender Students and Humanities. She is currently an Instructor of Humanities at Hillsborough Community College. As a Humanities instructor, she is knowledgeable about The Visual and Performing Arts and Audiences. Starting in the 1980s, she has worked on over 50 different shows, on stage, as a director, and as a stage manager.

Leisa has co-edited four books for McFarland and Company, working with Mary F. Pharr and Amanda Firestone to create volumes on The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Post-Apocalyptic Media, and Resistance Narratives (in Media).

BIPOC Caucus Officers

The BIPOC caucus hosts both Counter Space and Brave Space events. Counter Space is an international and transracial Think Tank and creative haven where the BIPOC Caucus hosts events that may be of particular BIPOC interest, including conversations known as Brave Spaces. Anyone submitting a proposal of potential BIPOC relevance and interest is welcome to submit the proposal indicating a preference to present in the Counter Space.

Brave Space is a type of conversation intended to regulate and dignify an exchange of vulnerable questions and sensitive answers about racial bias and the pain of transforming traditions of privilege into shared opportunities, among other topics that have to do with race and ethnicity in historically colonized spaces and contexts. Brave Space conversations take place in the Counter Space under BIPOC Caucus supervision. Please review the Brace Space Rules of Engagement here: https://iaftfita.wildapricot.org/Policies.

BIPOC Caucus PIO and Counter Space Scheduler

Sang-Keun Yoo

Marist College, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA


Dr. Sang-Keun Yoo is an Assistant Professor in the English Department at Marist College in New York. He completed his Ph.D. in English at the University of California, Riverside, specializing in Speculative Fiction and Cultures of Science, funded by a Fulbright scholarship. Dr. Yoo also serves as the Submissions Editor for Asia and its Diaspora at The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts and as the Korea Representative for the Science Fiction Research Association. His first monograph “Speculative Orientalism: Asian Religions in New Wave Science Fiction,” is slated for publication by Bloomsbury Academic in 2024.

© International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts

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