Scholarly and creative proposals are welcome.

Portals are Not Open.

It's helpful to have some information at hand before beginning the process:
  • Will the proposal be scholarly or creative?

  • An abstract and working bibliography is required for scholarly proposals.

  • Are you willing to chair/moderate a panel?

  • To which division should the proposal be sent initially?  Consult the Division Heads page for descriptions of each division.

  • If you are proposing a panel, are you ready to submit information about other possible participants that the Division Head will need to make a decision?

  • Can you present on Wednesday, and do you have any faith-based restrictions on presentation dates? Requests for special scheduling considerations will also be accepted to accommodate disabilities or medical needs. 

© International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts

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The IAFA website is maintained by Skye Cervone and Michael Smith on servers at WildApricot and Dreamhost. Custom theme modifications were done by Skye Cervone.

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