Donate to Support Otherwise Unfunded Scholars, Authors, and Artists to attend the ICFA

You may donate to a fund to help defray the costs of otherwise unfunded scholars, authors, and artists. 

This is a tax deductible contribution to education. Therefore, donors may not indicate funding preferences, even informally, and donors who are board members will not take part in the decision process.  

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* Mandatory fields
*First name(s)
If you are maintaining this record for a person, key the first name here. Otherwise, leave this blank.
*Family name
If you are maintaining this record for a person, key the family name here. If for an organization, key the entire organization name here.

Contact Information


Postal Address

First line of street address
Second line of street address
City and postal code if normally included in that country
State/province/territory, also postal code if normally included in that country
Postal Code
Postal Code if it normally follows city
*Amount ($USD)
Donations go to the general fund, which is used to provide support travel grants for ICFA attendees, including graduate students as well as international scholars and authors.
Payment frequency

© International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts

Contact Us

The IAFA website is maintained by Skye Cervone and Michael Smith on servers at WildApricot and Dreamhost. Custom theme modifications were done by Skye Cervone.

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