Lord Ruthven Assembly
The purposes of the Lord Ruthven Assembly are (a) to promote study of and scholarship in the vampire figure in literature, history, sociology, folklore, psychology, cinema, and the arts; (b) to promote membership and scholarly activity in The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts; and (c) to administer and present the Lord Ruthven Award for excellence in the study and portrayal of the vampire figure in culture and literature. Membership in the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts is required to join the Lord Ruthven Assembly. To join the IAFA, please visit their membership website at https://iaftfita.wildapricot.org/JoinUs and add the Lord Ruthven Assembly when prompted. Membership fees for the IAFA vary. Membership to the Lord Ruthven Assembly is $20 annually. For more information, please contact LRA President Elizabeth Schechter at easchechter@gmail.com |